Meanwhile in Russia

This was taken at some Dolphin pool in Russia. Yea exactly, I guess they just have random pools filled with them to amuse drunk people. Just when buddy was enjoying himself some dolphin jumping magic, an all out 6 way MMA fight breaks out. Obviously, just another ordinary day in Russia.

Whats strange is that it starts with the guy in the white t-shirt randomly falling in the pool. Then, in some sort of bizarre Russian mafia hit, three guys in all black march in to send him to a watery grave. I guess in this particular mafia crime family, they have the 3 Stooges going around whacking people. The fight last for about 1:40 with the stooges there slipping on the pool deck, falling in the pool several times, and in the end, dont finish the job.

This video is actually really hilarious with not only that part to make you laugh, but then there’s some lurch like guy that just takes care of business. 



Meanwhile in the Life of Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson hasn’t been anyones best friend for quite a while now. He’s gave his opinions about Jewish people “they’ve caused all the wars“, blowjobs in the hot tub “he deserves them“, and insulting a female officier “nicknaming her,sugar tits‘ “. Apparently last Saturday night, he threw a little hissy fit in Malibu before driving away in his Smart car. Someone needs to start photoshopping this like the “Sad Eating Keanu Reeves” picture.